Turriff Academy
Respect, Ambition and Achievement
Turriff Academy is a community which fosters Respect, Ambition and Achievement for All.
At Turriff Academy we value
- Highest achievement for all
- Hard work and perseverance
- Trust, honesty and integrity
- Equality, fairness, diversity and inclusion
- Care for self and others
- Care for the local and global environment
At Turriff Academy we aim to uphold these values by
- Developing respect for self and others
- Building strong, positive relationships and a sense of personal responsibility
- Developing effective participants in society with a sense of belonging and community
- Building on individual talents, interests and ambitions by providing opportunities for all
- Providing challenge and motivation
- Building personal, social and emotional resilience
- Providing interesting, enjoyable and creative learning opportunities
- Communicating reflectively, while working independently and co-operatively