Parent Council

TAPC privacy notice


TAPC February ’21 Minutes

TAPC November ’20 Minutes

TAPC October ’20 Minutes


Message from the Chair –


I’d like to introduce myself as Chair of Turriff Academy Parent Council for the 2020/21 school year, following the AGM on 14th September. This will be my third year as Chair. I have 2 children who currently attend Turriff Academy.

Turriff Academy Parent Council (TAPC) is an inclusive committee of parents/carers that supports the school by discussing matters of interest and providing feedback on parents’ views. During my time as Chair, we have covered topics such as Behaviour Policy, Improvement Planning, Pupil Equity Fund, Cost of the School Day and Health and Wellbeing. We receive an update from Lee Menzies, the Head teacher, at every meeting, which covers staffing, building works and generally things that are happening within the school. We do not discuss individual pupils.

The meetings for the rest of this year are due to take place on 5th October, 9th November, 11th January (to be confirmed), 8th February, 8th March, 10th May and 14th June (AGM). At the moment, and for the foreseeable future, our meetings are taking place virtually, through Microsoft Teams. All parents/carers are very welcome to attend and should look out for notification from school so they can receive the link to join the meeting. Minutes of our meetings are available on the Parent tab on the school website (under ’Parent Council’) and are usually also placed on the school Facebook page.

Friends of Turriff Academy (FTA) is a subgroup of TAPC, chaired again this year by Shirley Anderson. FTA is a small but fun group of parents/carers who hold fundraising events to benefit school. While this is usually done by the normal coffee mornings, raffles etc. we are aware that the current situation is going to make fundraising very challenging this year, so if anyone has any creative ideas or suggestions to raise some funds please get in touch!

It is always good to see new faces, and we can always improve on what we do, so if you want to get involved come along to a meeting or contact us on

Many thanks,

Carol Walker