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Turriff Library
We have a busy school library. It is used by staff and pupils for reading, research, access to computers, study, games, careers research, clubs and meetings.
The library is well stocked with teenage fiction and senior fiction, speedy reads, graphic novels, non-fiction, careers material, a health and wellbeing collection, SQA study materials, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and atlases, and magazines.
Through the 23 computers, 10 laptops and 10 ipads pupils can access a range of services such as encyclopaedias online and back issues of newspapers and magazines online. Through Live Life Aberdeenshire the school gets access to Libby which allows staff and pupils to download books to their device.
The library is involved in Transition events to familiarise pupils and their families with the library and its facilities while pupils are in Primary 7.
In S1 all pupils get the opportunity to use Accelerated Reader – a great chance to improve literacy and reading. Parents are encouraged to help their children by monitoring their progress online at the link given below and by reading along with them. Research shows that at least 20 minutes a day spent reading helps literacy.
All pupils complete a Searching and Researching Unit which provides basic skills for finding and handling information. These skills are then reinforced across the school with projects.
The library is open to all pupils before and after school, Tuesday and Friday break times and over all lunchtimes. Pupils may use the computers for homework at lunchtimes. There are often activities held in the library at lunchtimes.
Senior pupils are encouraged to use the library for quiet study. If computers are not being used by classes, seniors may use them.