Parents – frustrated when letters from school go missing?
Now is the time to get involved in shaping the future of communication with schools. Aberdeenshire Council is rolling out a new service to communicate with parents by email, text message and a new app for smartphones and tablets.
A parents’ survey is available that will directly influence how the school uses the new messaging service – you can complete it at the following link –
This improved system will allow us to send home newsletters, certificates and other communication electronically, saving the school money currently spent on text message and printed newsletters.
We are scheduled to begin using this technology by next summer and are seeking parents’ views on what they want to receive, delivery methods and how often they want to hear from the school.
Please note, telephone and letter communication will still be used for communication that is of a sensitive or confidential nature.
What’s next?
1. Update your contact details – make sure that the school has up-to-date email addresses and mobile telephone numbers for contacts. Please contact your school directly to update these.
2. Get ready – you will soon start receiving communications by text message and email once your school begins using the system.
3. If you have a smartphone, you can download an app. The Groupcall Xpressions App is now available.
Once downloaded, you’ll need to authenticate your details to receive communications to the app using the email and mobile number held by the school.
Further information is available by visiting –